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Archive | Grammar

You can’t write without grammar and you can’t grammar without write! Wait… That last sentence looks weird… I’m sure if I had some articles on grammar I could fix up that last sentence a bit! Well now with’s grammar section we’ve got you covered!



Determiners are words used before a noun or noun phrase. These words give context, and provide a detailed reference or specification. They give information about a noun. The most common determiners are the, an, and a. The is considered to be a definite determiner, while a and an are considered to be indefinite determiner. Words […]

All About Adverbs


An adverb is a word which modifies a sentence or parts of a sentence like a verb, adjective, determiner, or noun phrase. Adverbs make an appearance to make clear variables such as time, manner, location, frequency. Adverbs also answer important questions such as how?, when?, where?, to what degree?, In what way? Adverbs may be […]

Ginger Grammar Check Keeps Your Writing in Check

Ginger Grammar Checker

There are several grammar checkers out there, and they all have their advantages and disadvantages. The important thing to understand about grammar checkers is that none of them is perfect. It isn’t easy creating a grammar checking algorithm. Unlike spelling checkers, which are checking for something which seldom changes and is relatively constant and widespread, […]

Silent Letters

Silent Letters

One of the more annoying things about the English language is its high content of silent letters. A whopping 60% of English words include silent letters in them. These letters can create a problem for both writers and readers, and certainly for those of us who are studying English as a second language. Many English […]

Were vs. We’re

We're Open

Basic English Grammar Rules: Were vs. We’re Homonyms are very common in the English language. What is a homonym, you ask? Homonyms, or homophones, are words which sound alike but have separate meanings. Use of the words were and we’re can be very confusing. It is difficult to know when to use the right word. […]

Than vs Then, Wait, When?

Then vs Than3

“Then” and “than” are used very regularly by anyone who speaks English, and they are among the most frequently used words in the English language. But do you know when to use then vs than?There are many people who incorrectly use these words, causing confusion and misunderstanding. Sentence structure is important, as is correct word […]

WhiteSmoke Software

WhiteSmoke Grammar Checker Software Review

One of my friends was struggling with his English writing and as a consequence he was failing some classes at school. I then introduced him to WhiteSmoke grammar checker and now he is sailing along happily, and passing with flying colors. Why did I tell him to use WhiteSmoke Software? The answer is simple. He was […]