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Archive | Learning

Who doesn’t like to learn? Aside from anyone who isn’t properly motivated of course… which we talk about… in our learning section… on… check it out!

How to Motivate Students


Keeping students motivated is one of the greatest all time mysteries. To me, it seems that motivation is a lot easier in younger grades. During higher education schooling, many students already have some desire to stay motivated in order to succeed, so a lot of that burden falls on them in the form of self-motivation. […]

Keeping History Class Alive

boring class

Keeping History Class Alive History is one of the tougher subjects to teach. You’d think that it wouldn’t be so difficult. After all, history – be it global or American – has seen its share of exciting and amazing events. Wars, religions, revolutions, coups, crusades, and of course, the Brady Bunch reunion of 1981. Unfortunately, […]

British English Vs American English

American vs British English

American Vs British English If you’re an American talking to a Brit or vice versa, you’ve probably had your fair share of arguments as to whose use of English is superior. There has probably been a time where one of you has teased the other over their “incorrect” spelling or grammar, or over their pronunciation. […]