G900 Overview
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The constant strive to be the best requires constant improvements and tweaking and never being satisfied. That goal has made Logitech push its boundries in ways like making the G900 lighter and with a faster responding time than any of its rivals. Good luck finding a negative review that is anything more than a hatchet job. This piece is seriously impressive.
A truly ambidextrous mouse that lets all gamers enjoy the top of the line without either side feeling the normal discomfort of it being ambidextrous, basically use it in either hand and it will feel like it was made for that hand exclusively. The buttons are extremely reliable and misclicks are a rarity, there is also the option to move the buttons around to fit your hand and gaming style, as well as the option to add buttons. Lagging is a thing of the past with the high speed and pinpoint accuracy this is really a thing to be felt and used because it simply rocks. It works both as a wired and wireless mouse with rumors that its wireless speed is faster than that of its wired competitors. After our G900 Overview you will be able to decide if this is the mouse for you.
G900 Specs

• Works on Windows 10, 8.1 and 7
• Either wired or wireless
• Max acceleration: 40G
• Max speed: 300 ips
• Microprocessor 32-bit ARM
• Wireless tech: custom 2.4GHz
• Wireless report rate: 1000Hz
• Signature hyperwheel
• Height: 5.12 in
• Width: 2.64 in
• Depth: 1.57 in
• Weight: 3.80 oz
• Unlit: battery 32 hours
• Lit: battery 24 hours
• Sensor: PMW3366
• USB report rate 1ms
• Buttons: 6-11(customizable)
G900 Features
We have already covered some of its features like how truly ambidextrous it is and that it is wired or wireless depending on you. There is plenty more and I’m foaming at the mouth from not being able to type these words fast enough and share everything there is about the greatest mouse there is. The battery can handle those all night into the day marathons where respect is really earned. This mouse offers the steadiest clicking in the industry due to their metal spring and hinge system. There is RBG lighting with 16.8 million colors available and it definitely looks cool but if you need to conserve on battery I would recommend turning it off. It has up to 11 buttons depending on how you want to customize it. Oh did I mention the sensor? The PMW3366 is widely regarded as the best sensor in the world, providing unmatched reliability and speed. It’s 107g lightweight design is incredible for a mouse with all of these capabilities.
G900 Performance
The parts create the whole and the G900 is no exception. With Logitech cutting no corners they got a product that matched their input. They got top of the line, unrivaled success. It’s impossible to miss the flawless movement and incredible speed. I can’t remember ever being so impressed with a mouse as I am with this one.
G900 Price
Top of the line products tend to come with top of the line price tags and here is a prime example. Here is one place however that it is not unrivaled. Both the G900 and its chief competitor’s Razer will cost you approximately 150.00 USD. If this mouse is worth it is a completely subjective matter. If you have the cash on hand and gaming is something you take seriously enough to know the difference, then I say give the craftsman the tools he needs. I wouldn’t spend my last dollar on a mouse but maybe that’s a lack in my dedication.
G900 Problems and Solutions
One of the easiest things in life tends to be to find problems with things. However, with this mouse that appears to be anything but the case. People love finding flaws in expensive pieces of technology, so how is this making everyone fall in love? The mouse really is that good. There are some minor reports of issues with the cord and people saying that because it is braided it tends to get caught. Personally I never had that problem nor any other in my time using the G900 but I could see it as a potential issue depending on the fabric of your mousepad. For this the answer seems to be simple. Don’t use the wire. The wireless tech is second to none and if you are uncomfortable with the stiffness of the wire or feel like it gets caught, simply remove it and go about gaming life the way you had wanted. Any minor issues that might arise like the mouse being a bit jumpy or not responding at all I would be much quicker to point a finger at your mouse pad or cleaning method before assuming anything is actually wrong with your mouse.
G900 vs. G502
When deciding between the G900 and G502 it’s more difficult to figure out which I better for you than you might imagine. The G502 possesses many of the same features like the same sensor and same amount of buttons. Due to the fact they are both Logitech products and share the company’s outstanding warranties as well as customer service, this choice will come down to personal preference more than many things that would persuade someone away from a different mouse.
The G502 is a wired mouse and the G900 has the option to be either wired or wireless as you know. They are also shaped differently and the ergonomics will be a matter personal preference. There is one more difference and that is in the price. Even those that aren’t comfortable enough yet with wireless mice to trust one for gaming the G900 has the option to go wired so it has that covered. The single greatest advantage there is to the G502 other than like we said perhaps personal preference of ergonomics is the price. While not cheap, at a standard price of 79.99 you are looking at something that more people will be willing to pay.
I can’t take the top prize away from the G900 on price alone. It does what no other mouse has done and certainly has never done as well. If you don’t want to pay for it I certainly understand that but just looking at the two objectively the G900 is your winner.
I love it. While nothing is quite perfect in this world this mouse is really testing that theory. I have been using Logitech’s PC gaming gear for a while now and this has to be their most impressive piece yet. My mind is blown thinking about how they plan on improving things past this. I would say they’ve outdone themselves but I feel like this is going to start the next step and we will see how far they can push the boundaries of perfection.
Stick around Edumuch to see our other reviews and info pieces on everything you need to learn!
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