Short Hair Curling Guide: With or Without Heat?
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Everyone has a different style of scalp and hair, but we can all play around with our hair, no matter what state it is in. I mean, evolution left hair on our heads for a reason, right? I think so, anyway. And that reason was to remember to have fun with it! Having short hair can be really convenient. Less maintenance time, less hassle, less use of shampoo and conditioner. When I had long hair – and it was pretty long, I might add – I’d go through hair care products like there’s no tomorrow. It can be a lot of upkeep, but I was happy with my hair.
Then, I decided to cut it and leave it short. I wasn’t sorry about my decision. It was the right thing to do. I loved my long hair, but it was time for a change. As for my short hair…. when it started to grow a bit, I was faced with a decision. Do I keep it pixie short, or do I let it grow out again? I wanted to keep it short, but give it some oomph by curling it. Curling short hair is a great way to keep it looking fresh, which is something you can all appreciate. Thing is, when you have short hair, you are a lot more limited in terms of curling methods. The again, curled short hair is a look that never goes out of style, and it can be flattering for all hair types and colors. When executed properly, it is fun, sexy, and chic. There are several ways of getting the results you want, and here is a look at some of them.
Curling Short Hair With Heat vs. Without Heat
So, first off – heat or no heat?
Thermal devices provide much quicker methods of curling, when compared to non-thermal methods. Heat also provides you with a wider range of styles to choose from. The main downside to heat-curling is that there is a chance your hair may burn, if you are not careful.
With the non-heat methods, flex rods and foam rollers are the most popular options. Another widely-used method is pin curls (get that classic 1950’s look with those!), and there’s also the option of using fabric strips or even a headband! I actually never tried those last two, but they are probably the most ancient methods of them all. Plus, the headband is most-likely the best one to sleep with. It doesn’t get in the way, it let’s you continue your day-to-day routine, and that is crucial for some people.
Curling Short Hair: Flat Iron vs. Curling Iron
Right off the bat, there is a favorite here – seemingly. Curling irons are meant for curling, while flat irons are designed to achieve the exact opposite effect. However, with practice and patience, it is possible to curl your hair using a flat iron. What’s more, the results which the flat iron method yields are truly breathtaking. Full, bouncy, head-turning curls that don’t look like ordinary ringlets, but rather like curls should. With me, I simply put it as: hair that makes you feel great.
The curling iron is the go-to method for many people all over the world. For getting smaller curls, or more ringlet-shaped ones, there is no beating this method. It does a fine job, but curl-iron curls could appear flatter than those which are done with a flat iron. Ironic ,huh?
With both methods, it is Imperative to begin with dry hair, to apply proper heat protection before curling, and to practice proper sectioning before curling. Think of the desired end result before you start the process, and that way you won’t lose your path or end up with a mess.
I've had short hair for 5 years and I'm just now getting the hang of curling it.
— Maria. (@Ocagney) August 25, 2016
Remington CI9538 Curling Wand Review
Of all the great curling irons out there, my favorite has got to be the Remington curling wand (aka CI9538). It is moderately priced, and highly effective. Time, money, hassle – save yourself those and any extra frustrations, and just go with a professional’s tool from the beginning. Big- and small-sized wands are available in this brand, and they are both great. If you are looking to shift from one kind of curls to the other, the two wands will provide you with all of the help you need.
You need proper technique to work a wand properly. Don’t be discouraged if your first few times are not perfect. If you need some tips – and we all do at first – get yourself to youtube and watch a few tutorials. This, too, will save you a lot of curl-related frustration.
Eventually, you’ll be rocking your curly locks, and loving every minute of it. I had a lot of fun with this wand, and researching it has opened up my eyes to all of the different styles which this wand can help you create. It takes time to master, but it is worth it. Watch the heat! It gets very hot, very fast, so make sure you don’t burn your hair. As previously mentioned – heat protection for hair is your best friend. As for price, it is priced at about $25. Very affordable, in my opinion.
HSI Professional Ceramic Straightener Review
One of the best-selling flat irons ever. HSI are known for their salon-grade equipment and styling tools. They listen to their customers, and have a great outlook on hair and styling, which translates into a range of wonderful products.
HSI’s ceramic straightener features one-inch solid ceramic plates, which works together with infrared technology to provide an experience like no other. Okay okay, enough with the banter. What does it do?
Well, what it does is flip, straighten, and curl your hair. The ceramic plates are enough for any hair type and any length. It leaves your hair feeling nice and soft, whether you use it for straightening or curling. Like I said, using a flat iron for curling purposes can be more challenging, but the results you get are out of this world, especially with an iron of this caliber. Once you get the hang of it, you should be able to produce curls just the way you like them.
My experiences with this iron were pretty positive, once I understood what I was doing. The price is right, and it is easy to use. It looks to be made of high-quality materials, and I hope it lasts a long time. If and when you choose to get this straightener, go for the complete package which includes a glove, a pouch, and a travel size argan oil hair treatment. Priced at around $40.
Curls are hot, and this remains true pretty much in any configuration. There is something about beautiful, coiling curls which just gets people’s’ hearts pounding. I know this from experience. It is a classic hairdo, and it works on so many hair types. With short hair, curls have the potential to make or break your look. When you pull it off correctly, you can’t beat it. It is a sexy, sassy kind of do. Hair so nice, you gotta look twice.
Whether you go with a thermal or non-thermal method, there is a way to do it right. Feel free to experiment, but know that these methods also have proper procedure, if you should care to check it out. On the other hand, finding new ways to use old tools is part of what makes hair such a great thing to mess around with. Hairstyling is a way of life for some.
Remember what I said at the beginning – have fun with your hair! Don’t abuse your hair, but certainly have fun with it. If you have short hair, and are looking for a way to change things up and keep it fresh – curling your hair can be just the thing for you. Do a bit of research, choose your preferred method, watch a few tutorials first (I cannot stress this enough!) if you are not sure of how to go about it, and curl your way to a better you!
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