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Archive | Education

I think this one’s pretty self explanatory! An Education site with an Education category? Who would’ve thunk it!

Video Games and Education

video games and education

More and more teachers are discovering new ways of keeping their students’ attention focused on the classroom and the class in session. One way which has proven itself worthy of mention is the use of video games. Video Games and Education – The Future? Of course, video games in the classroom have the potential to […]

The Future of Homeschooling

Advance of homeschooling

Man, did I hate school. I mean hate it with a passion. Ever since about 6th grade, I realized that this sort of rigid framework of studies, grades, and tests was not for me. There was one silver lining, which was my English classes. I actually enjoyed, and still do enjoy, reading and writing. Penmanship […]

The Joy of Text

the joy of text

Lol This Post is Totes Cray Cray, JK It’s been said that texting is killing the English language, and that this new and improved generation of smartphone-carrying, screen-swiping, touch-typing kids is hastening the downfall of the written word. It’s very easy to sit back and blame technological advances for the many shortcomings of modern man, […]

Verbs – A Quick Intro

verbs a quick intro

Verbs We humans are so complex and weird. We never stop moving, thinking, and doing. Thank heavens the English language has such a wide array of verbs to choose from, and help us express ourselves! Today we are going to brush the surface of this major section of English grammar. It is important to notice that […]

Common Grammar Mistakes to Avoid

Common grammar mistakes and spelling errors to avoid

If you’re a writer or you’re simply communicating with someone on a formal basis, it’s important that you avoid at all costs the most common yet critical grammar mistakes. Bad grammar can be distracting and makes your writing appear sloppy. Spelling and Grammar Mistakes How to Avoid Them Misusing the Apostrophe Apostrophes are used in […]