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Archive | Grammar

You can’t write without grammar and you can’t grammar without write! Wait… That last sentence looks weird… I’m sure if I had some articles on grammar I could fix up that last sentence a bit! Well now with’s grammar section we’ve got you covered!

Grammarly vs. WhiteSmoke – Which Is The Best?

Grammarly vs WhiteSmoke

Grammarly VS. WhiteSmoke Update 10/21/2015: Our research has found this extended trial/info on Grammarly (you can also skip to the bottom for the final verdict). Spell checking software is available for many platforms and devices. Autocorrect has become very common, whether it is used on a computer, tablet, or mobile phone.  Grammar checking software, however, is a […]

English Grammar: Intro to Adjectives

English Grammar: Intro to Adjectives

Adjectives Adjectives are words used to describe or modify nouns that are places or people or ideas or things. Examples: —One year’s salary –A heartfelt melody –An obnoxious businessman –The irate teacher Use of adjectives is very common, and they appear everywhere. They usually appear before the noun which they are modifying. However, it is possible […]

English Grammar: Silent Letters

English grammar silent letters

Ask anyone. You will not find a single soul who does not despise silent letters. The English language has a huge amount of silent letters in its words. Actually, it is about 60 percent! Mostly, they are just leftovers which serve to remind us of the English language’s ancestors – Latin, French, Germanic, and other […]

When Adverbs Go Bad

when adverbs go bad

When Adverbs Go Bad Some people like to over-complicate things. They don’t subscribe to the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” idiom. They have the unique ability to take even the simplest, most straightforward task or idea – and then surround it with unnecessary concerns. Some writers operate in the same way. They feel the […]

English Grammar: Nouns, an Insight


We assume that anything that exists can be named. These names are called nouns. Nouns can be either common nouns, which are general and non-specific, or proper nouns, which are specific. Both types of nouns can be people, places, things, or ideas. For example, the following are examples of common nouns: People:  Man, Woman, Detective, Chef […]

Whitesmoke Grammar Checker Review

Whitesmoke grammar checker

A grammar checker’s main function is to check for errors in syntax, spelling, and grammar. WhiteSmoke’s grammar checker is simple to use, with a friendly interface. Simplicity is key in such a software, since it is there to aid those who are in need of help to begin with. WhiteSmoke’s algorithm isn’t perfect, but then […]

Ginger Grammar Checker Software, The Best?

Ginger grammar checker review

Spell Check Vs. Grammar Check Spellcheckers are everywhere. Integrated software such as autocorrect has changed the way people write and express themselves through text. It boosts people’s confidence along with their ability to write English. However, unlike spelling checkers, grammar checkers are few and far between. Grammar is fundamentally different than spelling, since it relies […]