Udemy Mobile App Design Review
Table of Contents
Mobile App Domination
The recent couple of years have seen smartphones and tablet computers explode in production everywhere. Things are advancing so fast that with each passing year we have come to expect the big names to make their superb products even better, and they deliver. Part of whats made this tech so successful is the integration of apps, they have become an integral piece that can’t nor should be ignored. Developing apps has been a hot topic ever since the first distribution platforms came into the market, in 2008. The original mobile apps were utilitarian ones. They included an email client, web browser, calendar, contact list, and others. As the app market began to expand, there has been more and more demand for app developers, and that demand is still there. This Udemy Mobile App Design Review will show you what can be done so you too can enjoy!

More apps, less browsers. That is the future.
A study from 2013 found that mobile users used applications more than they used their mobile’s web browser. This is a fundamental shift, and it goes to show that while browsers are there to aid in web surfing, it is in apps that one can find the future of mobile devices. Single apps have sold for seven figure pay-outs and with numbers and potential like that its easy to see why people want to get involved. Besides for the money side of things, they are far more convenient and usually better developed than a company’s mobile site. You go directly where you want to go without the hassle of a browser. Apps have become such a main focus of mobile users, that it has been suggested that the term “app phones” should be applied to smartphones which appeared after 2013, in order to differentiate them from older, less sophisticated smartphones.
Understanding App Features
Udemy’s Mobile Apps page opens on the Features page, which displays several categories and courses. At the top of the page is the “Build Your First Mobile Game” category, which has four different videos, including The Complete iOS Game Course, Learn to Code by Making Games, Intro to C# Programming and Scripting for Games, and iOS Maze Games. Underneath that category are the top free courses and top paid courses, as well as the new arrivals and noteworthy courses in the mobile app category. On the Featured page, the prices range from free to $299, with the majority in between. The results that are being reported after a short time with these videos is truly remarkable, making me wonder how and why even more people aren’t taking these courses. With access to information like this, anyone with the ability to watch a video can be capitalizing on a huge market.
Take a glance at this video so you see this is the real deal.
Udemy Mobile App Courses
One of the most popular courses come from the instructor who prides himself with having some of the most successful courses on Udemy – Rob Percival. Rob is a self-proclaimed “coding geek”, holds a degree in Mathematics from Cambridge and before going into the coding profession was a teacher. I mean this guy has teaching in his bones and really shows a love for it. you can see how much it excites him to share and it shows in his work. His course in this particular category is titled The Complete iOS8 and Swift Course: Learn by Building 15 Real World Apps. In this course, which spans six weeks, Rob teaches iOS app development from the ground up. 107,017 students have enrolled is this course, and it has received thousands of positive ratings. This course has 164 lectures, is for all levels, and includes 23 hours of video. The course shows app development, step by step, from simple ones to Snapchat and Instagram clones. No prior knowledge or Apple developer account is required to learn this course. All that is required is a Mac (or PC running OSX) and an internet connection. Although this course is marketed as one that is suited for all levels, it is meant to be a course for beginners. Although, there is no doubt that even professional app developers can benefit from this instructor’s expertise and experience. This mobile apps course received a 4.8 out of 5 stars rating, based on over 4000 reviews.
The course covers the following topics:
- XCode and Interface Builder
- Inputs, Buttons, and Reactive Interfaces
- Apple’s New Programming Language: Swift
- Variables, Arrays, Tables, and Loops
- Navigation, Storage, and Live Content
- Images, Maps and Music
- Accelerometers and Motion Feedback
- Core Data and JSON
- Online Storage with Parse
- Games and the Sprite Kit
- Instagram and Snapchat Clones
- App Store Submission
- Making a Marketing Website for Your App
Popular courses include: iOS 9, Swift 2, and Xcode 7 – Apple Mobile App ($149), Iconic by Example: Create Mobile Apps in HTML5 ($99), Learn Watchkit: Start Making Apple Watch Apps ($47), and How to Make an App with No Programming Experience (free).
Udemy Incentives

You can make your own apps from home.

You can make your own apps from home.
Furthermore, upon signing up, the student will receive a free e-book by Rob Percvial, titled “How To Earn $10,000 While Learning To Code”, which is rated 5 stars on Amazon. Students also receive graphical assets worth $300, for use in their app-building endeavors. According to Rob’s description of the course, it fits anyone who is looking for a way to supplement their existing income, or switch careers altogether. Anyone who is interested in learning how to build an app or use code will surely enjoy this course. As with all of the Udemy courses, there is a 30-day money back guarantee. The left pane of the Featured page shows related topics, such as memory & study skills, game development, web development, finance, media, design tools, social media marketing, and network & security.
The mobile app world is rapidly expanding and anyone with an idea or a desire to create needs to get involved. The demand has not come anywhere close to the ceiling and for all I can tell it won’t for a while. Get out there and makes some apps, you owe it to your future. These courses will make it easy and practical to get on your development game on. All of things things combined make me a very big Udemy fan. they care about people actually learning and its refreshing to see. I would easily recommend these courses in general and the Udemy Mobile App Design more specifically.
Check out more great course reviews like this one on creating video games.
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