Udemy Programming for Beginners Review
Table of Contents
What is Udemy?
In case you are not yet familiar with Udemy, they are an education service. They have millions of students and tens of thousands of courses all geared towards helping you learn the skills you need for the real world. The courses are all over the vast professional world, spanning from Personal Development to Real Estate to IT Certification. With the extreme ease of access that Udemy provides the only thing holding you back from a real, practical education is yourself. This is a true service to society and when we look back at the Information Age we will lay thanks to Udemy and those like them.
Programming and Languages
Programming is the foundation of all human-computer interaction. There are thousands of programming languages, and their purpose is to construct computer programs which can alter the behavior of the computer receiving the program, along with the instructions which it entails. Even before the invention of the digital computer, programming languages have existed. The first programming language for computers was invented in the 1950’s, and with the advent of the modern computer and the internet, programming languages have been on the rise. New languages are still being created every year, and they are used across the entire industry. Udemy’s Programming Languages page opens on the Featured page. At the top of the page is a section titled Build Your First Mobile App. In this section there are four different videos on different topics, with prices ranging from $9 to $199. Underneath this section are other videos, titled Learn These Popular Languages. This section includes Java Swing Programming, Programming for Complete Beginners in C#, The Java Soring Tutorial, and C Programming for Beginners.

Underneath this section are Top Free Courses, Top Paid Courses, as well as New and Noteworthy Courses. Each section has four courses featured in it. Overall, the prices for courses on the Featured page range from free to $199. Popular courses include: Learn Android 4.0 Programming in Java ($9), Git Started with GitHub (free), The Complete Java Developer Course ($49), and Learning Python for Data Analysis and Visualization ($199).
Udemy Excel Programmer Course Review
A very popular course in the Programming Languages category is The Ultimate Excel Programmer Course, created by instructor Daniel Strong. It costs $199, has over 20,000 students enrolled, and a 4.7 out of 5 star rating. The course spans 167 lectures and nearly 10 hours of content. It teaches students how to make Microsoft Excel software work for them, by utilizing the programming language VBA (Visual Basic for Application). With the Excel VBA knowledge, a user can master Excel and turn any task or project into a quick and easy one. All that is required from the student is a copy of Microsoft Excel 2003 or higher. In this course, students will learn how to:
- Automate and customize data entry forms
- Choose the right loop for each task
- Master the CELLS and RANGE objects in multiple scenarios
- Create multiple variable styles to match specific needs
- Customize the VBA Editor and understand all the toolbars and options
- Debug and troubleshoot code
- Record, modify or write macros from scratch
- Make custom formulas/functions on the fly
- Breeze through IF THEN statements and conquer all the logical operators
- Batch out inter-active MessageBoxes, InputBoxes and give users CHOICES!
- Generate basic reports that can be printed
- Add filters to report menus to narrow the records
- Take control of forms, buttons, drop-down menus, checkboxes and option buttons, and more
- Trigger code from a number of different methods – from clicking on a cell to de-selecting a worksheet
- Set up special commands when a workbook opens or closes/is selected/any cell or certain cells are selected/right before printing, etc. Manipulate user forms for data entry, report generation, editing tables/databases – all of these become controlable
- Restrict the flow of data or make the user form(s) responsive, calculating, and intuitive
- Streamline the student’s work and the work of other
- Put Excel on autopilot
According to the course’s description page, it is meant to be taken by those who are interested in learning how to let Excel work for them. Complete beginners and/or students who are looking for a refresher course will definitely make good use of this course. The left pane of the Featured page displays topics which are related to Programming Languages, such as IT certification, databases, Microsoft, web development, and design tools.
Udemy Python Programming Course Review
Right here is a course that will take you from a zero to hero programmer. With no previous experience or knowledge necessary You start out with baby steps and soon enough you’ll be writing the simpler practical codes that you may need in everyday life. With Python you don’t need to worry about the science behind all of this, you just need to write code. That is exactly what this course will focus on. The main points will be:
- Using Python to automate tasks
- Learn to web crawl
- Write mass email sending code
- Capitalize on Pythons Debugging software to get rid of bugs quickly and without hassle
These helpful tools as well many others will make you a Python pro and a more efficient you. Note that this is for people who aren’t looking to become the next coding mastermind. if you want to learn the things you can do to make your life easier with a bit of code. this is your place.
Udemy Python Boot Camp Review
Another Python course, this one will give you more in depth and widespread Python knowledge base. If you think you will be spending a lot of time with Python or already have some programming skills and can handle a more extensive course, then this 100 plus lecture list is for you. You will get a screen-side coding sheet to help you understand what is being discussed as well as a code notebook option if you find that easier. All of this plus whatever is offered in the standard Python course.
Udemy Shell Scripting Review
If you have been getting bogged down by tedious and repetitive tasks that just wont allow you to get work done, there are answers. Using a shell script for either Unix, Linux or Mac will let you fly through the tasks that are stopping you from getting real work done. In this highly popular course you’ll find everything you need to learn about shell scripts, including:
- Detailed instructions for writing the scripts
- The most important thing to do when creating shell scripts
- Self standing videos that will take your game up a couple notches
- How to receive input and manipulate it
- How to accept then process line arguments
- How to take advantage of special features
- How to create a template
- Actual exercises so that you can see how you fare
A course that will allow you to work on multiple shell systems and be fairly well accustomed to all of them. Granted that Jason the instructor that students rave about, does let it be known that this course gives you the most Bash knowledge. You will still be walking away being able to use any shell.
There are lots of things you can do to take your computer life easier and less hassle free. in this course you will see lots of possibilities and tricks for how to make things run smoothly by themselves, like computers should. Doesn’t matter if it’s Excell, Python, a Shell or any other kind of computer language that you need. Udemy has a programming course that will help you meet your professional goals. Your time is valuable! invest it here and you will be glad you did.
If you liked programming be sure to check out our Software Engineering Course Review!
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